Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Myspace blogs

  • Have a nice day

    Randomness...................i like your girlfrend I think she is very pretty. Is she jealous type like all the others?  You guys ever performed a 3 sum would you like to? 

    Imagine having sumone love so much they would eat ur puke just like a dog.

    I do what I want to a certain extent. Dont open my window.

    Just one time maybe, not really just wen ever I want you. Come to me like a paycheck once a week.

    What the fuc is wrong with you are the words repeated and repeated and repeated..........

    I will let you know when I figure that one out. Someday.

    Dummy I dont care. I never did. Never will. Believe the words I ever said to you. In reality they mean the opposite.

    If I hate you then I must love you. If I love you I just want you around like a pandora bracelet on my wrist moving back and forth aginst my skin with every move I make.

    Your beautiful to look at but I hate it when you speak, act, think, I think I like you better when im drunk. Intoxicated I dont have to comprehend the bullshyt that comes out your mouth.

    Sexy Sexy Sexy. If I act upon my impulses does that make me a bad person cuz if u really think about it. You all are the same way just deny it.

    I should of followed my heart and became a cop.

    You all would of been fuced. I would have had every soul that encountered me, wrapped around my fucin finger.

    Becoming one with the goverment is the ultimate source of control.
    Iam a control freak. I get off on knowing I can make shyt happen when I want it to.

    Too bad. Too bad.

    The slutty petite rican girls swarm around pretty boys because they are dying to feel the tip of his dick. His easy fucs arent as frequent as he like them to be so he probably takes every opportunity he can get.

    I bet you have better things to do than to read this bullshyt.

    He says getting head sober is better than getting sloppy drunk head.

    Pounding and Pounding sperm is the next beauty mask

    Lets go to the back of your babershop?

    The library is fine.

    He would never go to the library with me or any where else with me..........only to his bed. 

    The wind.

    I have to wash my hair.

    I wonder how much cum is on the hotel floor?

    I wonder what positions the last couple used on thae bed?

    How many times did you have sex in one niight? 4 or 5?
    I bet u can keep going once you do 2 or 4 lines of the ultimate redbull

    The birds chirp 3:45am every morning I havent decided if it sounds beautiful or just annoying.

    I loved waking up and leaving, walkin out the door feelin the sun on my face after partying my life away. hop in my car drive to my house. Turn the key to my house at 6:00am and realized I had the night of my life.

    The roadkill on the highway was a big chunky mess. If only I could pull over and walk up to it. See how bad the hit was. Think about what car ended its life, depending on gross its insides look like maybe puke on top of it then poke it with a stick.

    Hell would be drowing in a pool of maggots.

    Im so tired. I want a juicy couture bracelet.

    Mothers day is only good for my mother. Oh yea its mothers day for you to cuz you decded to fuc your man until his dick got so raw it got to the point it hurt.

    Your so romantic. Every man that is in a relationship automatically has another one.
    So he has 2 girlfriends. He is living another life. He is not fucin the same raggedy pussy every day, every night, lol you thought he was at work oh yeaaaaa he was workin on this pussy.

    My hair in a bun. I lost my earings. Just pull out my piercings. Purple lipstick. Fucin bullshyt.

    If you had aids would you spread it to the world. I wonder if you would go to hell because you are consider an official murderer?

    What is worse 13 abortions or spreading aids?

    Why dont you try it and let me know. Thankss

    Come here rude boy boy. Take it and hate me for being a fucin bytch.  Yes you hate it when I say no to you. and you. to allllllll of you cuz you woudlnt and couldnt get far and the opportunity was there soaking

    Thats enuff randomness now that I proven how crazy Iam, Have a nice fucin day.
  • fuc off fucin piece of shyt

    i dont know why people pick on me or try to make me feel bad or sngle me out or push me out there life maybe im the devil and u kno ur not suppose to fuc wit me ?????????????
    I dont kno i get sad cuz im cancer we sensitive we want to feel accepted n have the people we love love us back i guess people get to caught up in their lives to realize the way they are and the way they treat people or people they love sigh. Im tired of tryin to have  fake shallow people care about me if u came acrooss my path in life i want to tell u that i really cared about u and i really liked u at that point in my life u might not care by readin this but what ever i was there to be there not to use u not to talk shyt about u not to make u feel bad about ueated the people i care about the way i like to be treated f i ever treateda piece of dogshyt let me kno so i can get a reality check but im done i give up put up the white flag i dont giv a fuc i dont need a soul in my life. life is short do wat u want be self absorbed bytch pay attention to ur dick go fucin feed ur kids take ur god dam dog to the fucin vet im sick of people. im human i have feeling s to ur not the only one stupid self absorbed fucin people
  • Then there was the bytch

    Yesterday I started my new set of classes. First class 8am to 11:30 am Medical Office Procedures, whatever sounds like a useless class you basically need to use your common fucin sense but who gives a flyin fuc.
    Next class 12:00pm to 2:30 Human Anatomy & Physiology in real stupid human terms it means the science of the human body. I don't know why they have to make everything sound super hard and smart ughhh America,

    Last class my fucin labs 2:30 to 5:30 I am not happy about my 9 hour day but but I have to continue to brainwash my self by convincing myself this is all for my future this is all for my career.

    So during my Human Anatomy & Physiology class I had realize I Had gotten my monthly friend wtf so thankfully i carry spare shyt to clog the blood lol so that added on to my annoyed mood. Then the girl from my first class takes it upon herself to ask me for a ride home, my immediate thoughts were um "do I look like a taxi cab?" So being the nice person that I am or its the simple fact that I don't know how to say no, I said yes. that triggered me to throw an mental tantrum.

    Seriously your a grown adult how did you get to school? Have you ever heard of public transportation? Have you ever heard of saving your tax money and buying yourself a vehicle. You cant just go to school hoping or depending on someone you hardly know to give you a ride home.

    What ticked me off the most that it was only the first day of this class and she already had the nerve to ask me for a ride. This wasn't the first time she had asked me for a ride that is anther story. So know my question is how the hell do I make it a point for her not to ask me for rides??? I do not want to have someone else in my car when I go home I like the fact that I can distress my horrible day in school while drive home in my own personal space. lol plus If something happens to my car then Im responsible for her and my safety.

    If I can make my own effort to get a job save money make monthly car payments, keep up with car maintenance and its hefty cost, pay car insurance, car tax, car inspections, registration renewal fee and put $20.00 in gas every week then why cant everyone else. My friend suggested that she paid me for the rides, but money is not my main concern its the simple fact that I do not like giving rides and I don't like having people in my car yes I'm a brat yes I am selfish but I work hard to have what I have and I made an effort to go to school I signed up for these things not to be someones lazy ass chauffeur lmao

    Wow this isn't even the half of my story, So in class the teacher passed out the syllabus and thru out her whole entire speech she kept repeating to the class that there is not to be any cell phone use. She doesn't want to see or here a cellphone. I'm thinkin wtf does this bytch have against cell phones??? Then she made it a point to to tell us if we don't follow the cellphone rule she will take of point of our grade and that one girl had failed the course because she had her cell phone out all the time regardless if she was texting or not, whatever

    I was sitting in class next to my friends Becky and Michelle. The teacher said the was cuttin the class short at 2:00pm and that we were free to look thru the book or talk amongst ourselves until 2:30 our dismissal time. I was already pissed and did not want to do either so I pulled out my 2nd child my blackberry and started to vent via text to all my friends that actually cared about my horrible events.

    Then out of the corner of my eyes I notice someone walking my direction the clothing resembled my teacher, i still continued to look down a resume texting. She stood there for about 7 seconds i still continued I clearly knew it was her standing there but i didn't give a fuc she could of said "excuse me can u please put the phone away but no she was probably standing there giving me the dirtiest look possible. Finally my friends got my attention by telling me jazz put away your phone. Still looking down I took my cellphone and put it down my shirt into my bra, yes right in front off her.

    She walked away and to her desk. I was like I'm fucin switching out this class i mumbled under my breath. Becky was like wtf was that about and why did the teacher just do that so the next 15 minutes I was told the teacher kept grillin me and especially Becky. So now the teacher thinks I'm a bytch now I gave her the worst first impression of me. Now she probably thinks I'm uneducated and one of those disrespectful puertorican bytches or what ever race she thinks iam People think I'm black/Spanish whateverrrrrrr

    Finally 2:30 came around I still haven't made eye contact with the bytch but I still made it a point that I really didn't care about the Lil episode i stood up reach exxagertly into my shirt pulled out my bberry and finished my text got all my books together and left furiously.

    Talk about a crappy day, my period, girl thinks I'm a taxi cab, teachers a bytch, have to lug around 5 thick books daily fml I guess life could be worse but for now ts just annoying.

    Thankfully on my drive home I called my sunshine and told him about my horrible day so he took me to my fav restaurants for drinks then we visited his uncle. Then we went out to eat and more drinks lol and he cheered me up the whole time. OK so life isn't that bad................
  • I wish I was at a Rave

    Current mood:anxious
    I should of stay home today like i did yesterday. Waste of my time, If I felt like going to a bar I would of gone. It would of been nice if i was told ahead of time that was the plans, to go to the bar. I would of combed my hair and changed out of my timbs. I didnt feel social but wen the fuc do  I fel social yea never. I really despise people. Im to a point where I hate the people I cared about or wasted my breath on. Seriously your all on time out. You know who u r wen I ignore u 2 weeks or a month. Its the only way your going to learn not to take advantage of my kindness. I dont need friends. I dont need anybody. Just the people that giv me shyt all the time. Its so cold in my room. I hate sleepin alone. I rather sleep alone than to sleep with someone that doesnt appreciate my efforts and the time I take to make that person feel like god. I hate not being able to not do what I want with out everyone talkn shyt and trying to make me look like the bad guy. the way i do it to myself or look for it........Your doing the same fucin thing. Being sober sucks makes u really think about how you hav really nothin, and how fuced up people really are. lol money u think I want ur fucin money if I wanted ur money I could of stolen it a long time ago. If I wanted money I could of had yearsssss ago stupid niggas trust pretty faces. Im better than that to steal from someone wtf fuc I look like tryin to steal a cd or  wats in yo pockets lol funny. This good girl by day and bad girl by night thing is gettin old quick im tired of being both its mentally/emotionally draining.  just want to be able to be myself n its hard to hold on. Evry time i deal with a fucin lving breathin thing I feel like im just there for a purpose. but maybe thats the way Iam with people no it s the way I treat people I try to find the purpose they will serve being onvolved in my life. Half the time its to fuc me over im use to that more like immuned. I keep gettin my doses of karma every fucn day wen will it stop! I hope your happy u whinny lil bytch.

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