Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Myspace blogs

  • pissed off

    wtf i get harrased as soon as I get home, yea my parents could n should be worry but its not that serious, theres been plent of days that i havent gone home cuz i been to busy fucin, it so fucin anoyyin im 26 years old get of my dic...............i get bytch at cuz my cell died n ur gonna call 911 serously i rather live in a shelter than deal wit this bullsht This is wat im talkin about u brro some moey from someone they think they own u thats y i try to saty as independent as I can i dont ask anyone for shyt for the simple reason that they dont think they own and control me.............i swear to god if i had a kid and a good man i wouldnt get all this bullshyt if i had a place to go tonight i would be there n the on i came hom cuz i was tiree was cuz my berry was dying i had a great day but as soon as i get home all hell break so tired of this i need to find a man to live wit n get the fuc out of ths hell hole. i get mo bullshyt from these people than some one im fucin. it should be th other way round  myy day was awesome i went to skoo then saw my real life vin diesel then got fuced up at anna's then saw my , .....................yawn hes whatever to me u think he ask me t marry him but o well i like being a slut so if he dontto hold me down want  someone else wlll   
  • Say something baby................

    This sh*t was all I know,
    You and me only,
    And I did it all for you,
    Still you were lonely,
    We coulda worked it out,
    Uhh, but I guess things change,
    Its funny how someone else’s success brings pain,
    When ya no longer involved that person has it all,
    And you just stuck standing there,
    But, I’m gonna need you to say something baby,
    Say something baby,
    Say something baby,
    I’m gonna need you to say something baby,
    Say something baby,
    Say something baby,

    Uhh, I am the topic of conversation, this a celebration,
    Lets toast to the fact that I moved out my momma basement,
    To a condo downtown because its all about location,
    I sit and drink wine and watch californication of life,
    You shoulda been here to kick it with me,
    We coulda split this whole thing up 50/50,
    But now i’m at the 40-/40 getting b-tches tipsy,
    Killing sh*t the ever so talented Mr Ripley,

    How I go from being the man that you argue with,
    To me and Dwayne Carter putting out the hardest sh*t,
    I should wanna go back to the one I started with,
    But I’m addicted to this life its gonna be hard to quit,
    Yeah, just ask me how things are coming along,
    You can tell me that you never heard none of my songs,
    Long as you end up saying one day you plan to listen,
    Cos whats a star when its most important fan is missing?

    This sh*t was all I know,
    You and me only,
    And I did it all for you,
    Still you were lonely,
    We coulda worked it out,

    Uhh, but I guess things change,
    Its funny how someone else’s success brings pain,When ya no longer involved that person has it all,
    And you just stuck standing there,

    But, I’m gonna need you to say something baby,
    Say something baby,
    Say something baby,
    I’m gonna need you to say something baby,
    Say something baby,
    Say something baby,
  • John Cena & Randy Orton & Batista 4Sum

    aWatchin monday nite wrestlin........and it is realy borin, no action what so ever. jack swagger I dont know who made this fag champion. It hurst to look at his face is so misconstructed. But hes fighting randy right so u know my panties are already wet just by thinkin about his body. Amazingggggggggggggggggggggggggggg. His thighs are enormos and his butt is so firm. You know what they say about guys wit nice ass they animals in bed. I really didnt feel like writin shyt on here  say that all the time im soooooo unmotivated. steve is so fucn stupid hes like u should get a psp im like yea so u break it apart like u did wit the other 3, let me pull the money out my ass,i swear my brother can be like road kill lol.oeasster was another typical holiday in my eyes its jus another day with no real meanin or purpose. To bad the liquor store was closed. i should of taken monicas bottle since I basically drank half. I gave her a ccouple things I dont mind shes deserves it! I gave her a jessica simpson necklaace and a pink tank top and it says im one in a million, my fat ass self couldnt fit in it. Shes skinny everythin looks good on her, so jealous lol! we was all talkin bout going this weekend, lets c wat happens, it give me a reason to wear my new dress omg its so sexyyy I knew i should of gotten steve madden pumps ut i didnt think tht i was gunna be going out out anytime soon. even if i dont go I guess i can always go 2 the woods and watch people gamble as I get trashed. rich old men in the casino lol no let me stop. im fucin hungry. i wsh i could feel not hungry ever. wow one of the wrestlers just rip his pants of its like super soft core porn but wit all men i love it. U know i believe wen people say they get addicted sex like abel i mean tiger woods and james cuz once you do it once in a long time its like ur body needs and wants the adreline sex rush then u can either sleep it of or eat and not think about it. ???????//
    i need to finish watchn my wrestlin "good thoughts good thoughs"

    Highlight of the day-watchin randy orton fight tonight hes so fucin fine

    Tip of the day-always hav a plan and a goal wit watever ur dealin wit or wat u want to do 
  • Bipolar

    I come t the conclusion that I think Im bipolar like for real for real, evn tho i havent been diagnosed by a professional aka my doctor but as I was doing my homework for my med term class, Doing a chapter about disorders  stumbled upon Bipolar so here the summary:

    A psychological disorder characterized by episodes of mania and depression, alternations between the two, o a mixture of the two moods simultaneously.

    The mania is characterzed by extreme excitment, hyper activity, agitation, overly talkative, flight of ideas, fleeding attention, and sometimes viloent, destructive, and self destructive behavoir. The individual may have a decreased need for sleep, and seemingly limitless energy. The depression is characterized by exxagerated feelings of sadness, discouragment, and hopelessness that are inappropriate and out of proportion with reality.

    So I know how I am and im def all the above, to bad I think medication is just going to make me cracked out. Then I wiill loose who I really am with the meds. But it would be nice to be doped up all the time like an escape from reality all the time no matter where I am. If thats the case I must not be happy with myself. lol its a bipolar symptom. I dont I guess it wouldnt hurt to ask my doctor but knowing him, he thinks im an great person but I dont think he gets wht I battle daily with myself 24 hrs a day. just cuz im  a clean up looking girl doesnt mean my life is spongebob and louis vuitton happy. If he doesnt take me seriously im gonna find a doctor who does. I dont think i am is normal but I never said I was normal just crazy, very crazy. lol i need a pyschiartist.

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