Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Myspace blogs

  • Another chance

    omg im not in the mood for this shyt. bbye im gonna eat sum chicken and get tipsy and get sum attention im so in need of it!!!! Another year Another beginning Another I like that another chance shyt who knows maybe you will get one. Im a busy girl.

    Hightlight of the day- Watchin Grease 1 and Grease 2 one of my favorite movies!!!!

    Tip of the day- Always play hard to get. In the end you will find out what your dealing with and what category to put him in.
  • I dont feel like it

    I dont feel like bloggin today. Good bye im gonna play sum call of duty.

    Highlight of the day- Washing my bar smellin hair

    Tip of the day-I dont know and I dont care today...........ok thought about it Why have one good thing when you can surround yourself with alot of good things.
  • Stop the game

    Good afternoon everybody. You kno im kinda feelin nicki minag style but not really like she seems like the type that will get played out and thrown under the bus. Like the chik cant rap she needs help. but she is cute considerin she got a nose job and ass implants. Her style is on  point everytime I see a picture of her she dress fresh sometimes not that classy but shes an entertainer what do you expect? Me personally I would never wear leggings and a bra with a jacket even if my body was on point like rihanna and nicki or kim k or mariah or shakira oh and that bytch beyonce (so over her). Hmmm I never fell thru wit that diet scale thing? I lied my bad. This diet thing is going to be hard considerin the fact that all I do is drink and eat late at night. It seems like thats the only time my appetite kicks in. I have alot of work to do I think I will ease into by startin with squats then progress in to whats most needed situps/crunches. Cuz pregnat lookinn stomach is not a good look lmao. I spend way too mucch time on those gossips sites, but there so entertainin I get so caught up in the hype. yawn. I said I was gonna go straight to bed when I got home but that didnt happen. Coffee will do that to you. Caffiene really doesnt do much for me. That energy 5 shot thingy omg thats serious and the redbull energy shots! I had one and I could not stay still I was fiddgetty my heart was doing all types of things I couldnt even finish half of the tiny ass bottles. I dont I will ever take those energy shots again it was to scary. Even you are drinkin and you got a good buzz, once you take that shot it will disappear with the quickness. I want an enchalada. everytime I think about enchalada I think florida we went to a little mexican restaurant and the food was amazin and the drinks were serious. It was a beautiful atmosphere. I so belong in florida lol. What else can I ramble on about..........God cooking shows are so fake like can a person really cook that perfect? very annoying. yawn im ssssssssssssoooooooooooo tired steves home from work i get to here all his car stories how exciting. I cant wait until the superbowl im actually fowards to it because I been into football lately well I always been into football but now I like it more. Theres nothin like sittin in front a big screen tv with friends watching big sexy men run around chasing a ball while drinkin beers. I love it. go pats!!!!!!!!! i need to update my football husband list yummy

    Highlight of the day-Before and after top it off

    Tip of the day-Always make sure the lid is on right before you drink ur drink because you dont want lemonade all over ur bed.
  • I already did

    Hi people today is my moms birthday and she doesnt look a day old or act a day old lol she has her blonde moments but so do I lol. Shes amazing I love her. I just wish she didnt nag me so much but what can I  do its her way of protectin and loving me. Sunday I still feel party mode and this week s party mode. Dam I look fine today im feelin myself lol. I have no one to take pictures of me! Im gonna find something excting to do with myself tonight. that black cop is always picking on al bundy lol yes iam watching Love and marriage. Shakira is my beyonce replacement its official. My new obsession is shakira along with, mariah, drake, vin diesel we can just have a big orgy. and when me & drake get married we will be that couple that swaps not all the time tho like once a month. any who i did my blog cuz i dont think im coming home tonight and i hate bloggin from my phone. peace out

    Highlight of the day-Makin myself look pretty (yea it sound lame)

    Tip of the day-Dont bite peoples swagg get your own

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